1 June 2011

Feedback v2.0b

Allow customers/visitors to post feedback. Includes a BO tab, FO module and complete configuration.
FREE Download
v2.0b (2011-06-01)
[*] Repackaged to fix new install table fields.
v2.0 (2011-06-01)
[+] First release of re-written module to the PrestaShop community.


  1. I have followed all the instructions but unfortunately on clicking Feedback under Employee Tab its give me an error "BAD SQL QUERY"

    Please guide.

  2. You'll need to turn error checking (display_errors) on in your config.inc.php file and give me the full error message, there is nothing I can check from "BAD SQL QUERY"

  3. Where we can find the Feedback admin tab? Thanks

  4. Same, its give me an error "BAD SQL QUERY", help please!

  5. I guess: public function __construct() is not correct (tabs/AdminFeedback.php).
    Help pls

  6. You need to install the Admin Tab as outlined in the instructions.

  7. Hi,

    When we click on "see the comments" located on the left column, the comments appears on the left column instead of being on the center of the page ?
    Are we missing something ?

    Best regards

  8. I'm not sure, you use a custom template so that may be the issue. Feedback was designed and tested on PS default template. It may need tweaking for custom templates.

  9. Hi Zenith, its possible to MERGE posting block (postcontroller) and dashboard feedback block (feedbackControler)?
    So the module will be only on one page, and will look like comments (coz posting goes under the feedbacks)

  10. There is already a comments on products module included with PS by default. Feedback is for the service/company in general not for products.

  11. thanks a lot! it works perfectly :)

    for further development i would sugest to add file upload for photos, etc. it would be great to see happy moments of happy customers ;)
